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What We Serve

For Landlords

Applications for eviction due to rent arrears, non-payment of rent, and persistently late rent payments 

Haider Khan Legal offers comprehensive support in navigating the legal process, ensuring swift and effective resolution to reclaim your property and financial dues.


Collection of owed rent payments: 

Our experienced team assists in pursuing owed rent payments through legal channels, employing strategies to expedite the collection process and recover outstanding balances efficiently.


Sheriff Enforced Evictions: 

Haider Khan Legal arranges and ensures that the Enforcement Office carries out LTB eviction orders through filing a detailed application. The enforcement office will first provide the tenant notice with an enforcement date, and after this date, they will effectively remove the tenant from the premises.


N12 evictions for landlord or purchaser occupation: 

Haider Khan Legal provides expert guidance in initiating N12 evictions, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and representing your interests throughout the eviction process.



N13 evictions for extensive renovations: 

We specialize in handling N13 evictions, offering tailored legal solutions to facilitate property renovations while safeguarding landlord rights and interests.


Rent increase and applications for above-guideline rent increase: 

Our firm offers strategic advice and representation for rent increase applications, ensuring adherence to legal protocols and maximizing landlords' ability to adjust rental rates appropriately.


Applications for eviction due to damage, interference, harassment, illegal acts, and overcrowding: 

Haider Khan Legal offers diligent advocacy to address tenant misconduct, facilitating eviction proceedings on grounds of property damage, harassment, illegal activities, or overcrowding.


Applications for eviction for owner occupation (or family of owner): 

We provide comprehensive legal support to landlords seeking eviction for owner occupation, guiding them through the process and advocating for their rights under the law.


Evicting a tenant for purchaser occupation (in real estate situations): 

Our firm assists landlords in navigating the complexities of evicting tenants for purchaser occupation in real estate transactions, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and protecting client interests.


Tenant refusing entry for any reason (including real estate tours):

Haider Khan Legal provides strategic counsel and representation to landlords facing tenant refusal of entry, helping to resolve disputes and uphold landlords' rights to access their property.


Tenant changing locks: 

We offer legal guidance and representation to address situations where tenants change locks without authorization, helping landlords enforce lease agreements and regain control of their property.


Unauthorized sublet or assignment: 

Our experienced legal team assists landlords in addressing unauthorized subletting or assignment, providing guidance on legal remedies and advocating for the protection of landlord interests.

Construction Management
Voluntary termination of the tenancy (Cash for Keys): 

Haider Khan Legal facilitates voluntary termination agreements between landlords and tenants, negotiating favorable terms and ensuring a smooth transition in exchange for compensation.


Review of an order by the LTB: 

We offer skilled representation in reviewing orders issued by the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), advocating for client interests and pursuing legal remedies as necessary.


And many other situations facing landlords: 

With a breadth of experience and expertise, Haider Khan Legal provides comprehensive legal support tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by landlords in various rental situations.

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