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Legal Fees at Haider Khan Legal

Legal Fees...How Do They Work?

Contingency Fees

Pay When You Win

We accept contingency fees for specific cases such as personal injury cases and some small claims court cases. Our contingency fees are only payable when you win, and we take a percentage from the settlement or amount awarded at trial. This percentage ranges from 20% - 30% and varies on case to case basis. 

When Do We Charge Contingency Fees?

Personal Injury Cases

Certain Small Claims Court Cases

Disability Claims

Workers' Compensation

Hourly Fees

Pay Hourly

We charge hourly for most cases. Our hourly rate is $175 per hour, which is far more affordable than most attorneys who charge between $400 and $600 per hour. We always give you a solid estimate of how many hours your case will take. We then collect a retainer deposit from you and hold it in trust. We provide a statement of account on a monthly basis - this tells you how many hours we worked on your file, what we did, and how much money is left in your retainer. 

When Do We Charge Hourly Fees?

Criminal Matters

Small Claims Court Matters

Landlord Tenant Matters

Serious Traffic Tickets

Flat or Block Fees

Pay Flat or Block Rates

For some cases, we offer Flat Rate Fees or Block Rate Fees. Flat Rate fees are one upfront payment before the work is done at a discounted hourly rate. No matter the hours put in, the flat rate fee covers all legal advice and representation until the matter is solved. Block Rate fees are fees that we charge when you want to pay for a portion of your case. For example, you may want to pay for legal representation up to the pre-trial stage, and then pay a separate fee for if the case proceeds to trial. 

When Do We Charge Flat or Block Rate Fees?

Most Traffic Tickets

Criminal Record Suspensions

Landlord Tenant Board

Small Claims Court

Criminal Matters

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