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What We Serve

Product Liability

Product liability litigation in Canada presents a multifaceted and constantly evolving scenario. When a defective product leads to consumer injury, liability may extend throughout the distribution chain, spanning from the manufacturer to the product designer. Typically, dangerous products originate from three main sources: manufacturing defects, design flaws, or inadequate warnings regarding safe product usage. Such defects often arise from negligence or a failure to exercise reasonable care by involved parties. In severe instances, defective products can result in substantial injuries or disabilities for users.

Encountering an injury due to a defective product can be highly distressing, particularly when preventable negligence is involved. At Haider Khan Legal, our aim is to champion the rights of victims affected by faulty products. Leveraging our knowledge and resources, we pinpoint manufacturer errors and pursue accountability from responsible parties. 

Why should I make a Product Liability Claim?

Injuries sustained in product liability cases can profoundly alter your life and financial stability. If your injuries result from a product manufacturer or seller's negligence, they should bear the financial burden, not you. However, handling such cases independently may hinder your chances of obtaining compensation.

Product liability cases entail complexity. Unraveling the specifics of product malfunctions and identifying liable parties necessitates legal expertise. We can collaborate with experts like engineers to compile essential evidence for your case. With Haider Khan Legal advocating for you, the likelihood of securing adequate compensation significantly increases compared to handling the matter alone.

Why Choose Haider Khan Legal To Represent Me?


At Haider Khan Legal, we recognize the substantial effort required to hold manufacturers accountable for product safety lapses. If you've suffered injuries due to a flawed or inadequately tested product, it's crucial to seek legal assistance promptly. We understand that the prospect of engaging legal services may seem daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with the process.

Our commitment is to alleviate this burden by simplifying the legal proceedings. We're dedicated to supporting our clients through every step, ensuring their legal rights are upheld. Moreover, we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay legal fees upon successful resolution of your case. Additionally, we offer complimentary case evaluations, enabling you to explore your legal options without financial obligation.


Types Of Product Liability

Addressing product liability encompasses various considerations beyond the mere existence of a defective product. Establishing a direct link between a product defect and your injuries is crucial. Product defects may manifest in diverse forms, including:


  • Faulty household items

  • Hazardous food products and packaging

  • Unsafe childcare products and toys

  • Defective drugs

  • Flawed vehicles

  • Manufacturing or design defects


To pursue a claim against a defective product, you may also need to demonstrate that you weren't misusing the product in a manner that could cause harm. Canada's comparative negligence principle allocates compensation based on the degree of fault attributed. For instance, if you're found 25% at fault for your injuries, any awarded compensation will be reduced by that percentage.

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