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Unpaid Loans & Unpaid Debt

Understanding Unpaid Debt

At Haider Khan Legal, we recognize the complexities surrounding unpaid debt, which can encompass a broad spectrum of obligations including credit card bills, medical expenses, utility charges, personal loans, or even amounts owed to friends and family. The failure to address these debts can lead to significant legal consequences, such as lawsuits and judgments that may result in wage garnishment or liens against your property.


Facing legal action over unpaid debt can be daunting, but it's crucial to be informed about your rights and possible courses of action. Whether it's negotiating a payment plan with creditors or contesting the validity of the debt in court, proactive steps are essential to prevent the situation from worsening, potentially accruing additional interest and fees.

Understanding Unpaid Loans

If you’re owed money by an individual or business in Ontario, you may be able to file a claim in small claims court. You can claim up to $35,000.


Before filing a claim, you should first try to resolve the issue with the person or business you’re owed money by. If that isn’t possible, or if they don’t respond to your attempts to contact them, then filing a small claims court action may be your best option.


To start your claim, you’ll need to fill out some paperwork and file it with the court. Once your claim is filed, the other party is served and will have to file a defense. After both the claim and defense have been filed, the court will send a notice to the person or business you’re claiming against (the defendant). The notice will tell them when and where they need to appear for their small claims court settlement conference hearing.

Image by Scott Graham

Post-Judgment: Securing Your Unpaid Loans


Winning your case in Ontario's small claims court is a significant achievement, yet collecting the awarded amount can be an entirely different challenge. The court's judgment confirms the debtor's obligation but doesn't guarantee immediate payment. To enforce the judgment, various strategies can be employed, from negotiating payment plans to engaging collection agencies. It's vital to understand the potential costs and benefits of each approach to ensure the most effective recovery of your funds.

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